Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I have been bad about updating this so I am putting this trailer for the next movie I am going to  review up. Trust me from the trailer you would think it could be cool, but the movie is nothing like the trailer. To me the trailer is sorta misleading which is what made me watch it originally. Let me know if you think this was a good movie or whatever. I already made the review I just have to edit it and maybe it will be up this weekend.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Been Busy

I know I had mentioned plans for another movie review which should have been accomplished last week. However I have been busy with real life work so I have not had the time to do it. I still plan on doing the same movie as i hinted at, but I am not sure when I will be able to do it. For those who may be new to this blog it would be nice if you checked out the two reviews i have already done and left some feedback about what you think. It helps to motivate me into doing it more. So if you did enjoy them at all feel free to let me know and if you hate them let me know why so i can work on it. I appreciate all support and criticisms you can give and it helps alot. Thanks again for your time spent watching my retarded ass on video on the Internet.